The few feeds the multitudes in Seneca

  • Volunteers before the feast, l-r: Marla Sonnefelt, Deb Daly, Mary Lou Harding, Cruz Sack, Christine Sack, Donna Reynolds, Wanda Simonson, Connie Broweleit. Terri Licking
    Volunteers before the feast, l-r: Marla Sonnefelt, Deb Daly, Mary Lou Harding, Cruz Sack, Christine Sack, Donna Reynolds, Wanda Simonson, Connie Broweleit. Terri Licking
  • June Morris (left) and LaVina Sevier.
    June Morris (left) and LaVina Sevier.
The little unincorporated village of Seneca sits on the line between central and mountain time zones. It is on the western edge of Thomas County, which is central time, and just west, one enters Hooker County and mountain time zone. No one knows when the tradition of the Seneca United Church of Christ turkey dinner fundraiser started. The historical papers were lost, but in visiting with thoseā€¦

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